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hi so im jinx but if i lyk otherwise you can abide by that

im 16 and gender non conforming. im aiming to study mechanical engineering and/or zoology in college with a focus on entomology and herpetology. im huge on anything mech or creature related, fiction or nonfiction. im an ameteur beyblade and mech figure collector with a slowly growing hoard of transformers and gunpla. i have a passion for older (usually mecha)anime and japanese films, particularly the mobile suit gundam franchise and the machine girl(2008) - my current "to watch" list is way too long. paleontology and creature design are also interests of mine, yes spinosaurus was at least semi aquatic and you cant convince me otherwise. somewhat knowledgeable on coding. trying to get into image scanning and collecting physical media. i touched matthew oscar stephensons shoulder on 11/2/2024. i like to think im something of a video game connoisseur.

discord dms are friends only unless youre looking for a commission.